Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope everyone had a great day of eating, family, more eating, friends, food, and remembering how faithful our God is.   Patrick’s parents and my brother were in town this weekend.  Today the boys  (minus Tim who has been diligently doing schoolwork in every spare moment) went golfing and the girls bummed around and baked cookies.  We spent the second half of the day traveling to Koziar’ s Christmas Village.  Can you say “lots of lights!”?
Ty update: We mailed the first of about 5 grant applications on Wednesday.  Pray that it makes it to the organization and that they address it in a timely manner.  Also, pray that all goes smoothly with coordinating the rest of the apps.  We have to get a couple reference forms/letters in and then foward almost-completed apps to our social worker who has to complete her end, attach our homestudy and get  them in by Dec. 20th  for one, end of December for the rest.  I’m having flashbacks of college essays already.
On a financial note, we hit the $7000 mark this week in funds raised.  We were rejected for our home equity line but offered a no interest deal on one of our credit cards that will cover a good chunk should we have to go that route.
This next part may sound random but it’s not.  We have been watching God move in unmistakable ways over the past few months where it concerns our church’s heart for adoption and orphan care.  We had the privilege of meeting with 2 other key families last weekend and start to nail down some details.  Patrick and I are super-excited about what’s happening.  Please keep this new ministry in your prayers.  We can just feel the momentum building and will definitely have more details to come.

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