Foto Multimedia Friday

20090521bdayhands002 Mia celebrated her birthday with her preschool class on Tuesday.  It was pretty special since her birthday is not really for another month.  This is her bouquet of well-wishes from her classmates.

20090522dance003 Mia’s year of Tappin’ Toddlers ended today with a mini-recital.  Video coming soon…

20090522scarfseries Promise, last one of Mia.  I just couldn’t help myself.  She kept approaching me with new ways to wear my scarf.  It just begged to be a photo series.

20090517_001 I will allow Ty to introduce the newest gallery…Our 2009 Garden. There will be plenty of words to go with those pictures later.  Just be patient.  Like waiting for plants to grow.

Lastly, I had to post this…


1 Comment

  1. TinaMay 24, 2009

    Love all the pics. Tap pictures are so cute. Ty is so sweet digging the garden. We do a salsa garden..we need to get on that still. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend. Loved the video too.

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