Tri and Ty

Yes, I have a slight love affair with alliteration.

Moving on…triathlon training season officially came to end with my participation in the North East Triathlon.  I did the sprint distance (750m swim, 15.5 mi bike, and 3.1 mi run).  I was hoping to come in under 2 hours.  I came REALLY close  at 2:01:51.  Kudos to the CGI folks who organized the race…it was one of the best run I’ve been to.

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My faithful training partner and me.


In other news, I realized the other day that I have been remiss is keeping you all up-to-date with what Ty’s saying.  Actually, I really just want to be able to look back and get it in his scrapbook correctly.  The fact that you get an update is an added bonus.

It’s fascinating watching expressive language emerge in a toddler.  It’s happening so fast for Ty that we can actually see the progress even though we’re with him all the time.  His vocabulary is expanding faster than I can keep track.  He’s using phrases and addressing people by name.  (e.g., “Mommy, I want see.”)  He’s showing interest in learning colors, animals, and animal sounds.  Right now, he’s pretty consistent with cow and dog.  He also has this obessession with matching colors and cars to their owners.  (e.g., Nana’s car, Nana blue). 

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