Foto Friday

This week


was Spirit Week


at school

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  And, by the way…




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  1. I just wanted to stop over and thank you for the nice comment. Your kids are just BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations on your most recent addition to the family. I live in the midwest, so I'm not a Ravens fan, but I just might be after seeing your cute kiddos! 🙂

  2. I just wanted to stop over and thank you for the nice comment. Your kids are just BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations on your most recent addition to the family. I live in the midwest, so I'm not a Ravens fan, but I just might be after seeing your cute kiddos! 🙂

  3. I just wanted to pop over and thank you for the nice comment. Your kids are just BEAUTIFUL!!! I live in the midwest and I'm not a Ravens fan, but I think I just might be after seeing your three cute kiddos. 🙂

  4. Thanks! We are so blessed to be able to share our story with others. God's doing amazing things in our life through His heart for the orphan. Stay-tuned for some big announcements.
    We'd love to hear back from you if you ever get to the adoption stage OR if you want to know how you can support orphans now.

  5. I came to your blog from MckMama's blog. I just had to comment tell you how beautiful your children are……the pictures are so cute! 🙂 I would love to adopt when I get married!!

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