Free Guide

I’m super excited to share with you another way that my internet addiction is paying off.  It’s called YouData.  The concept?  Click on ads and earn money.  I won’t lie…it’s not a fortune or anything, but every little bit counts, right? 

Don’t worry.  It’s not a scam.  I great friend of mine tried it out for a bunch of us penny-pinchers and she got paid Friday as promised.

How do you sign up?

1.  Go to YouData (please use this link so I get credit for referring you).

2. Fill out the form. (The referral code box should already have “ephesi512” entered.)

3. Don’t worry about them spamming.  They seem to be telling the truth when they say they only use your email and cell number for verification. 

4. Once you are verified, log in and click on the MeFile tab.  Click on the survey tab on the left side and tell them about yourself so you get ads that you might actually be interested in.

5.  Go to Adgets and start clicking away.

6. Go tell your friends!

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