The downside to curly hair

Yesterday, I threw my hair back in one long braid to get it out of my face.  Our resident princess was, of course, fascinated by my “beautiful hair bow” and wanted one for herself.  I had been secretly fantasizing about the day when her hair would be long enough to do double french braids since she was born so I was thrilled! 

As I was braiding, I was a little sad that she was grown up enough to have such long thick hair.  No more Baby Mia.  But when I saw how cute she was once my masterpiece was complete, all such sentiments fell aside.  She was equally giddy over her new do.


Before bathtime last night, I was even more excited to show her how her hair was kinky from being braided all day.  I remember being a pin-straight-haired kid who drooled over my friends kinky permed hair. Ok, so I was a child of the late 80’s/early 90’s.  Please tell me I’m not alone.

We carefully pulled the elastics out and unwove the braids.  I lifted her up to the mirror to see the kinky beauty…it felt like some rite of passage.  I was expecting the same giddy excitement that she displayed earier in the morning.  To my horror and dissappointment, she merely shrugged. 

Realization set in, that my curly-haired beauty will never drool over post-braided hair.  Probably quite the opposite.  Sigh.  No nights spending time making tiny braids to achieve kinky morning hair.  It will probably be a straightening iron instead.


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  1. Aw! Too cute!!!
    haha (I have to laugh, since I have stick-straight hair! While our children have curly hair from their daddy! our girls often straighten their hair! and when our oldest was little, she wanted “Crystal Gayle” hair -super long and straight. But it wasnt until she was 6yrs old that it finally had enough weight on it to fall down, instead of the curls seeming to grow “wide and with volume”. And our son (in high school), when he grew his out to donate for “Locks of Love” it was in ringlets, for goodness' sakes!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  2. Aw! Too cute!!!
    haha (I have to laugh, since I have stick-straight hair! While our children have curly hair from their daddy! our girls often straighten their hair! and when our oldest was little, she wanted “Crystal Gayle” hair -super long and straight. But it wasnt until she was 6yrs old that it finally had enough weight on it to fall down, instead of the curls seeming to grow “wide and with volume”. And our son (in high school), when he grew his out to donate for “Locks of Love” it was in ringlets, for goodness' sakes!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  3. Such a cute girl! and gorgeous hair!

    And, yep, I'm in the same boat – stick straight hair, always wanted curly! and my daughter has it! I”m so excited! It's so fun to play with! But yeah, I don't think she'll even get excited over the post-braided waves like I used to. But, then, she'll never have to sleep in foam rollers like I did!

  4. Such a cute girl! and gorgeous hair!

    And, yep, I'm in the same boat – stick straight hair, always wanted curly! and my daughter has it! I”m so excited! It's so fun to play with! But yeah, I don't think she'll even get excited over the post-braided waves like I used to. But, then, she'll never have to sleep in foam rollers like I did!

  5. I shouldn't say too much; I've been jealous of Mia's dark, curly hair since I first met her years ago… I wonder what kind of hair Brisa will produce. Could go a lot of ways…

  6. Mel,
    I can definitely sympathize. I used to have to sleep in curlers for cheerleading while other girls it just came naturally. I liked curly hair so badly that I got a perm in 2006. (WORST idea ever! I am still fixing it lol) Something tells me just to spite me I will end up with a girl who has very curly hair or all boys. :o)

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