Foto Friday

More snow pictures.  I know…shocking! Actually the first two are videos of us sledding on Tuesday.  The hill we ended on was so packed down from hundred of people desperate to get out that you really didn’t even need a sled.  Just snow pants were enough. 

This is Mia sliding down the hill on her back.

This is me sliding down the hill on my butt filming the kids on a toboggan.

 Wednesday virtually no one in the state was allowed out but Thursday we were able to find a semi-plowed place to park next to a perfect* hill.
*perfect=big enough to be fun for PJ, not so but that preschoolers need to be carried to the top.



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  1. Hey Melissa,
    I have loved looking at all your snow pictures lately (I know I never comment!) Where we live it never ever snows, but we are about an hour or 2 drive from the mountains where there is snow. Our boys think it would be the coolest thing ever to live where it snowed, but unfortunately they get to see it for maybe one day a year! We might go tomorrow and I am thinking already about the pictures I want to take of course! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Hey Melissa,
    I have loved looking at all your snow pictures lately (I know I never comment!) Where we live it never ever snows, but we are about an hour or 2 drive from the mountains where there is snow. Our boys think it would be the coolest thing ever to live where it snowed, but unfortunately they get to see it for maybe one day a year! We might go tomorrow and I am thinking already about the pictures I want to take of course! Thanks for the inspiration!

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