Let the games begin!

For better or worse, we are an Olympica-watching family.  I remember watching, mesmerized as Kristi Yamaguchi won her gold medal, mourning when Sergei Grinkov died (okay, so I’m mostly a figure skating fan), fascinated by the ceremonies in Seoul, Korea (the country of my birth), and staying up late to watch more sports than I knew existed.   Now we pass on the wonder and excitement to our kids.  I admit we will spend the next 2 weeks often glued to the television screen as athletes hurl themselved down icy slopes and tracks and cheering for the numerous members of Team USA.  We may feign education by talking about the various countries represented (last time PJ learned more than a dozen countries and their flags) or researching rules of a particular sport.  Or we may not.

But in any case, to celebrate Opening Ceremonies, here are videos of two kids that aren’t Olympic hopefuls but certainly had a lot of fun on the “slopes” yesterday.

I wish I had kept recording so you could have seen him stand up at the bottom, look up at me, and exclaim, “AWESOME!”

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. so fun!! Thanks for sharing! and, yes, there is pretty much nothing better than Figure Skating when it comes to Winter Olympics! LOTS that comes close – but nothing beats the figure skating 🙂

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