Foto Flashback Friday: Gourd-geous

The good news is that our summer has been full of sun and fun (which makes for lots of great pictures).  The bad news is that we’ve been having so much fun that I haven’t had time (or energy) to blog at the rate at which we are having fun. 

At the end of the school year the kids did a project for their teachers that I was super-excited about and wanted to share with you.  Better late than never, right? Right.

So back up a year.  Remember this contraption?


That was the makeshift trellis that supported our bird house gourds.  When we planted them, we had no idea it would take them 9 months to fully dry out and cure.  We had actually given up that they would ever be useful since we cut them off the vine when we should have left them on, many rotted instead of drying, and they got lost under 80-some inches of snow this winter.  But when the snow cleared and the sun emerged, there were 3 survivors that were begging to be turned into birdhouses. 



So, of course, we obliged.


Patrick drilled bird-sized holes into each of the gourds. And two small holes at the top for hanging.


And then we set the kids loose with paint brushes, acrylics, smocks, and their imaginations.


They painted.




And painted some more.



After the paint dried, I coated them with a water-based, waterproof sealant and strung them with twine using a makeshift needle.


Aren’t they “gourd-geous”?


Posted in Foto Friday.