The Apple Doesn't Fall Far

Me:  Did you have fun with S?

Mia:  Not really.  She was mean.  She kept telling me what to do.

Me:  Well you’re both really opinionated.

Mia:  No I’m not.  She was just wrong.

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One Comment

  1. Sounds like Moosh! In fact, guess what her very first report card came back with? All academic and motor skills she is above the rest of the class (Duh.). Socially? Bossy, doesn't listen, doesn't like to share (Duh.). Sounds like mommy! Sigh… How do you change a child like that when you are the same way?! Oh, and there are two other girls in her class exactly the same way socially and guess what? They are all constantly drawn together, playing nicely until they each start bossing one another around and get angry about it! Go figure…

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