5 Little Pumpkins

Even though I’ve switched to mostly digital scrapbooking, I was still pretty excited when BzzAgent sent me an invite to try out some Elmer’s Craftbond and X-ACTO products.  I’ve been trying to do some preschool activities with Ty so I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone.

What we used:


  • X-ACTO zig zag scissors
  • Print out of 5 pumpkins and a gate
  • Elmer’s Craftbond Glue Spots
  • Elmer’s Craftbond All Purpose Glue Stick
  • Green paper
  • Scissors
  • Crayons
  1. We talked about how pumpkins are orange squash and counted the strip of 5 pumpkins.
  2. Then the kids colored their pumpkins orange.
  3. After I drew cutting lines in between the pumpkins, Ty learned how to hold the scissors properly and practiced by cutting apart his pumpkins.
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  5. I drew 5 dots above his gate and had him put glue dots on each dot.  Mia just used a glue stick.
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  7. Then he put each pumpkin on a glue dot.  It was so much less messy than real glue.
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  9. We used the zig zag scissors to grass out of green paper and the glue stick to glue it down.
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  11. Voila!
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Then we did one of my favorite fall finger plays.

5 Little Pumpkins

5 little pumpkins sitting on a gate

The first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late!”

The second one said, “There’s a chill in the air.”

The third one said, “We don’t care.”

The fourth one said, “Let’s go for a run.”

The fifth one said, “We’re having so much fun.”

Then woosh went the wind and POP! <Clap> went the light,

And all five pumpkins rolled out of site.

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