Christmas Preschool Activities

In an effort to encourage Ty in his speech, language, and overall development, I’ve been trying (keyword) to do some basic activities with him.  Here’s an example.  It’s short and sweet with a beginning and an end and a holiday theme to boot 🙂

Print out the template by clicking the picture above.  Gather a red, orange, yellow, green, and blue crayon.  Count the number of balls on the tree, identifying the numbers as you go.  Then help your child color each of the balls the appropriate color.  For children who have trouble focusing (like Ty) or don’t want to cooperate (like Ty), award them a penny for each ball they color correctly.  Rewarding as you go works best for us.  When you’re finished, make a big deal about finishing and then let your child have free reign.

Have fun…and check back in the next few weeks for some more simple activities!

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