Christmas Preschool Activity 2

I know I posted a couple weeks ago and seemed to promise more Christmas Preschool Activities.  Well here’s another one.  Will there be more?  Your guess is as good as mine at this point.

Anyway, you just need a printout of 5 Christmas trees labelled with the numbers 1 to 5 respectively.  If you’re not computer saavy, just hand draw them (trace a cookie cutter if you’re not computer saavy AND you’re artistically challenged).  I labelled mine in numerical order but I’m thinking having it switched up would’ve been even more clever and developmentally challenging.


You need something to decorate your trees.  I used foamy stars which weren’t idea because of the star already atop the trees I used.  Any small, uniformly shaped sticker or even small balls of playdough will do.

Sit with your child and help him decorate each tree with the correct number of “ornaments.”  This activity reinforces number recognition while helping your child to concretely associate numbers with amounts.

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