Raised Beds

Patrick really wanted to try raised beds in our garden this year.  Our soil is mostly clay which hasn’t been a huge problem except for root veggies.  He also claims raised beds are better because they warm up faster in the spring for earlier planting.  I claim they also freeze faster and need more watering.

Anyway, Patrick and PJ built beds a couple weekends ago (when it felt more like spring…they’re calling for snow today).  We ordered top soil from a local nursery.  It turns out they sell their decomposed mulch as relatively inexpensive top soil.


Once we filled one of the beds up, we transplanted all our stuff that survived from last fall (spinach, onions, and cauliflower).  So far, so good.  We’ve certainly never had such nice, neat rows before.


We have also started a variety of tomatoes and peppers inside on our new grow table. We’ve never had much success transplanting from inside to outside but we’ll see what this year brings. Some of our herbs are doing fabulously, others look a little sad. Not sure why yet.

How does your garden grow?

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