Bounce Bar

I love free stuff. Even if I don’t normally use whatever the free thing is. I might have a problem.
Regardless, I was super-excited when I was chosen to receive a new Bounce Bar to try out. I was mostly excited that it came in unscented which meant I could actually try it out since we have smell and skin sensitivities in our house. Normally, I just add vinegar to the fabric softener dispenser because it works, it’s inexpensive, it’s safe for our septic, and it’s hypoallergenic.


  1. It’s still a chemical on your clothes.
  2. It’s more expensive than vinegar.
  3. I don’t think it will last 6 months in our house but we have the equivalent of two households doing laundry.


  1. Installation was a breeze. It just sticks to your dryer drum. After over a month of using it, it’s never fallen off.
  2. It’s really unscented…really.
  3. It pops our easily in case you don’t want to soften a load.
  4. It’s amazing at getting pet hair out of things.  AMAZING!
  5. There’s nothing to remember each load.
  6. There’s no funky residue feel on your clothes which I was afraid of since it’s a big hunka fabric softener bar.

*Don’t take my word, click on the Bounce logo in the upper left of the blog to read other reviews by BlogHer members.


You can get a $5 rebate when you try one by the end of this year.

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