How to Become an Introvert (If You are an Extrovert)

Before I begin, let me  clarify my understanding of -vertedness.  You are an extrovert if you recharge your battery by being social–being with others.  Conversely, you are an introvert if you need to be alone to recharge.  Introvertedness should not be confused with anti-socialness or shyness.  I have been an extrovert for as long as I can remember.  If I’ve had a long, stressful day, I need a good party or girl’s night out.  I always thought God found me a husband before I turned 20 so that I would never have to live alone.  I’m married to my opposite.  He enjoys going to the movies by himself.  Who does that?

Anyway,  on to the steps.

  1. Share a room with one of your siblings for all of your memorable life.
  2. Get married young (preferrably before graduating college) so you have no idea what it’s like to have your own living space.
  3. Conceive a child within the first 4 weeks of being married.  Bonus points if you are still in college when this happens.
  4. Give birth to child #2.
  5. Hang out with your kids instead of using your degree to make money.
  6. Encourage your husband to go back to school in the evenings so you can get bonus solo time with the kids during dinner and bedtimes.
  7. Decide to homeschool just when the youngest one is supposed to go off to school.
  8. Adopt 4 more kids in 3.5 years.

All of a sudden, ALONE has never looked so good.  I’m thinking of changing my classification to INTROVERT.

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  1. We were the friends Briana was talking too. 🙂 I am an introvert by nature. After a busy day I want to curl up with a book alone with some tea. 🙂 But that by no means I don’t enjoy people or am shy.

  2. I forgot a step…share a house with extended family like parents and siblings. Oh, and there were those years our home was also a daycare…

  3. Thank you. This is EXACTLY what happened to me, minus the aduoption, (only because my husband was uncooperative on that one). I have marveling over the fact I have become to introverted, and I have officially changed my classification, which is crazy because we bet on cruise ships where socializing was my job and I loved it. Now, not so much. Thank you for putting this phenonmen out there, I feel better about myself. ( :

  4. Yes, it’s even more fun when you were ALREADY an introvert and have three crazy, loud extroverted children and a husband that works long hours. I ask the good Lord, almost daily, what on earth He was thinking 😛

  5. HA! That is so funny, and ironic timing. I was just talking about this very thing with some friends the other day. I said essentially the same thing as your post. I always thought I was an extrovert but not am certain I’m an introvert b/c I def. need alone time to re-charge. But, like you, I think it’s the kid thing. 🙂

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