Things I {Heart}: Lanolin

With the Mid-Atlantics’s weather finally realizing it’s winter, chapped lips are running rampant, and it’s only a matter of time before the bloody noses start.  While I’m all for Blistex and Chapstick, nothing beats lanolin.  It’s a greasy substance secreted by wool-producing animals. Yes, it’s the stuff us mamas use on sore, cracked nipples.  That’s how I found it.

It’s supposed to be safe enough for infants to ingest while nursing, so I’m assuming it’s better than ingesting tubes of Chapstick.  Even so, it’s nice and thick so it tends to stick around longer.  We usually apply it at bedtime.  Giving it all night to work seems to do the trick.  There’s always improvement or complete healing by the next morning.

Posted in Favorite Things, Uncategorized.