Day 240 – Day 246

Day 240

Day 240

The girls repainted their room recently.  This is what one of our biggest complainers enscripted above her bed.  We will be walking her in to read it frequently.

Day 241

Day 241

A streak of warm spring weather got us out to the beach to celebrate PJ’s birthday.  It was Kayla and John’s first time seeing a beach and ocean.

Day 242

Day 242

These two struggle to keep peace so I couldn’t resist capturing this rare moment of camaraderie.

Day 243

Day 243

A year ago, she couldn’t have been reading, and he would not have sat still.

Day 244

Day 244

I read recently that being upside down can be hugely regulating for sensory kids.  The book was right.

Day 245

Day 245

Impromptu coffee ceremony at small group.

Day 246

Day 246

We tried blades on ice earlier, now for wheels on wood.  Rollerskating apparently is a lot harder.  Who knew?


Posted in Life, Uncategorized, {365} The First Year Home.