Day 247 – Day 253

Day 247

Day 247
I played a new baby shower game.  Create-a-baby-out-of-play-dough.  Mine’s the purple one.

Day 248
Day 248
Quiet in our house either means Ty is missing or asleep.

Day 249
Day 249
Can you say, “Afro?”

Day 250
Day 250
Even grammar is fun when you turn it into a race.

Day 251
Day 251
Happy Birthday, John! (P.S. We received updated birth certificates for the kids.  The part where it lists what age Patrick and I were when our oldest three were born is a little awkward.)

Day 252
Day 252
The best part of home school is that you can do it relaxing on the sofa.

Day 253
Day 253
The sight of spring seedlings makes me smile 🙂

Posted in Life, Uncategorized, {365} The First Year Home.