Day 282 – Day 288

Day 282
Day 282
Just sittin’ at the gym, perusing a newspaper.

Day 283
Day 283
There is so much to be learned when you spend the first decade of your life in a developing country. We’re so thankful to be so close to the Smithsonians.

Day 284
Day 284
First strawberry of the season.

Day 285
Day 285
Memorial Day hike to Pretty Boy Dam.  Life lesson: Learn about poison ivy

Day 286
Day 286
I’ve been loving roasted radishes this year.  Tops and all.

Day 287
Day 287
First crabs of the season.

Day 288
Day 288
For reasons parents of kids-from-hard-places will understand, Grace and Patrick missed out on crabs while they were hot and fresh.  She experience her first crab cold the next day for lunch.

Posted in Life, Uncategorized, {365} The First Year Home.