Potholder Trick

Mia loves crafts like making potholders.  However, whenever she gets to the end of a potholder, she always has to have me finish the last two sides because the loops never want to stay on the loom once the tension is gone. Please tell me we are not the only ones with this problem.

We recently discovered a fix. She stretches a couple already “finished” loops to hold the tension.  Once the pot holder is finished, we just pull the stretched loops in strategic places until it’s back in place.

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  1. put all the loops on all four sides on knitting needles and she can work the stitches all around the potholder side by side. Tension will still be loose but atleast all loops will be secure on the needles. if not, you can go to michaels and get needle stoppers. i remember when Mia knitted a scarf and I seem to remember her needles being plenty long enough.

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