Guest Post on Perspective

We’re in the middle of a rather snowy Mid-Atlantic winter. My Facebook feed is cluttered with curses for winter. The ironic thing is that in roughly 4 months the same folks who were waving a white flag for no more snow will be bemoaning the 3-digit temperatures. The truth is that we live in a geographic area where the weather swings from one extreme to another. Right now there are 6 inches of snow covering my yard but 10 days ago it was 50 degrees and I was wearing flip flops. It’s really about perspective.

When we haven’t seen our yard all winter and the kids are stir-crazy, it’s easy to just bide our time until spring comes or dramatically claim another snow day will put us in the looney bin. It’s so tempting to get caught up in the moment. Trust me, I know.

During one of our recent meetings with our children’s trauma therapist, she mentioned she was going to have our children work on understanding that feelings have a beginning, middle, and end

To read the rest of my post, visit the MercyFound Blog.

Posted in Adoption and Orphan Care, Uncategorized.