It’s been a while since I just wrote about life. Things have been crazier than usual. Was that even possible? Well, enjoy some Easter photos while I update.
There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work going on with our non-profit. Patrick and I were in Chicago last weekend attending the largest orphan care gathering in the country…Summit. Our church finally gave us a green light to start an orphan care ministry at our church.
I started selling essential oils to support my habit 😉 We made a move to open a coffee shop that will provide job training for at-risk youth. There will be a lot more information coming on this project so stay tuned.
While school is winding down for the summer, we still have 4 kids that are significantly behind their peers and need the structure schoolwork provides. The 3 big kids have all shifted to new stages in their cultural adjustment but their trauma-related issues are all still front and center. There is a little less drama lately, and Patrick hasn’t missed nearly as much work for crises at home (although the past 2 weeks have not been banner in that area) . Success these days is having trauma moments that don’t get physical and not calling Daddy to come home from work. Actually learning something or getting something done is totally a bonus. Grace is fully recovered from her heart surgery which really seemed like a walk in the park considering her emotional issues. Patrick, on the other hand, is still rehabbing from his hip surgery in December. He’s back to cycling and is chomping at the bit to get back to Tae Kwon Do.
Ty recently celebrated 5 years in our family, and we finally feel like he’s making consistent forward progress and stabilizing. We’ve also had an extra house guest with a cute, not-so-little bundle of joy.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming…whatever that is.
Love you and love your honesty! Keepin it real for us adoptive moms- thank you!