7 Years Home

On this day in 2009, this was happening…

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After a week of non-stop picture taking, this is literally the only photo of all 5 of us. #photographerfail

Oh, how we didn’t know what we didn’t know. #adoptionnewbies

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Today Ty is the tiniest powerhouse of a 9-year-old. Tipping the scales at about 43 pounds, he can climb to the highest point of any room or structure faster than you can blink.

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He’s impulsive and blissfully clueless about most of life but incredibly intuitive when it comes to emotions and people and will give you the shirt off his back…and you don’t even have to ask. He’s like a lab puppy who never stops moving or destroying, but no matter how mad you get at him (or how often), he’s always good for a snuggle and kiss.

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If you want to reminisce with us about our crazy, Korean adventures, click here. You’ll need to start at the bottom and work your way up, then click “Newer Posts->” at the bottom of the page. Rinse and repeat.

Click here for the picture only version (aka, link to the Flickr album).

Happy Airplane Day, Ty!

If you have a note for Ty (encouragement, funny memory, etc.), leave it in the comments below, and we’ll be sure to pass it on!


  1. MyraJune 22, 2016

    This is a little late, but happy coming home anniversary, Ty! Keep up the good growing! 🙂

  2. Nicole ReneeApril 27, 2016

    Wow, 7 years! Where does the time go?! He is such a joy to have in class at Bridges, I’m so thankful for the opportunity to tutor him! I love his sweet heart – you described him perfectly!

  3. Danielle JonesApril 26, 2016

    Love the new look of your blog!

    And those are some great pictures of Ty!

    1. MelissaApril 26, 2016


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