natural remedies, ADHD

How to Use Natural Remedies Effectively for ADHD Without Being Overwhelmed

A lot of parents are wary of medication side effects. They want to try natural remedies for their child’s ADHD symptoms but are overwhelmed about where to start and what to use for their child. Let’s talk about how to figure out what will work best for your child in a systematic and organized way so you won’t be overwhelmed.

natural remedies, ADHDIf you Google, “ADHD natural remedies,” you’ll get over 7.5 million hits. This is a hot topic but that also means information overload.

When testing natural remedies for ADHD, here are some tips and tricks so you know if it’s actually working, and if it’s worth continuing to spend time and money on.

1. Start keeping a daily behavior journal that tracks circumstances, food intake, supplements given, and behaviors.

2. Choose your remedies based on well-documented research. Pubmed is your friend.

3. Make a list of things you would like to try. Then rank the list based on how big of an impact you think it will have and ease of access.

4. Only try ONE thing at a time and give it time to make a difference. I recommend trying something for at least a month.

5. At the end of the trial period, evaluate if it’s worth continuing, then move on the next thing.

[bctt tweet=”When testing natural remedies for ADHD, here are some tips and tricks so you know if it’s actually working, and if it’s worth continuing to spend time and money on. #adhd” username=”corkboardblog”]

Remember, you’re a great parent, doing great things!

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a medical doctor, nor is this meant to be medical advice. If you have specific questions about medication or interactions, please consult your medical professional.

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