{Classical Conversations} FAQs

‘Tis the season to start thinking about next year–co-ops, curriculums, field trips, OH MY!  Lately, it seems that every other conversation I have is about Classical Conversations.  There seem to be some re-occurring questions.  I’m hoping to address some of them here but feel free to comment and ask your own.  Because my experience is only […]

advent parenthood lament

Reframing Advent

Nothing says I’m waiting for the arrival of a Savior like: Overspending on more stuff we don’t need. Lying to our kids about where all the stuff came from. (We don’t do this, but I hear there are some families who do.) Forcing our kids to sit on a stranger’s lap and even smile about […]

The Last-Minute Gift Guide for the Socially-Responsible

I’m a fan of a great deal, and we’re part of the package-of-the-day club (who actually shops in person any more?). But I’m also a HUGE fan of social enterprises AND non-profits who have businesses to help them be self-sustainable AND businesses who are being socially responsible in how they manufacture their goods, AND shopping […]

The Best Stinky Laundry Solution

Imagine this scenario with me. Husband (who sweats profusely when doing any physical activity) goes to hot yoga during lunch break. Husband puts clothes from hot yoga into backpack. Husband empties clothes from hot yoga into laundry hamper the next time he packs to go. He doesn’t go every day. EWWW! So your laundry might […]

Homeschooling and FASD

Among other things (like the launch of the new unCorked podcast), September is apparently the month to increase awareness about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other related diagnoses. It’s also the month that we start back to a more intentional homeschooling schedule. While these things may seem unrelated, they have significant overlap in our lives since […]

7 Reasons to DIY with Essential Oils

DIY is a pretty hot topic these days with search engines returning over 27 million results. I don’t really have the mental space or time resources right now to make a new headboard or upcycle our Foosball table, but I do have a couple quick minutes here and there to throw together a sugar scrub […]

5 Cleaning Tips for the Homeschool Family

The following is a guest post. Homeschooling can feel all-consuming which makes keeping your home tidy feel like an additional chore. If you have a lot of responsibilities and very little time to do them, take a look at these house routines which can help you and your kids. Here are some tested and proven […]

5 Steps to Starting a Classical Learning Community

As traumatic and dramatic as our exit from CC was last spring, we have landed on our feet. We took all the things we loved about CC and tweaked the ones we didn’t and started our own community. The even better thing? You can, too. Here’s how: Gather a like-minded friend or two. This part will […]