Foto Friday

We’re trying to make the most of what’s left of summer. Earlier this week, we met some friends at a tire park.*  *tire park=park with a lot of recycled tires We’ve been chasing flies around the house with a fly swatter trying to swat them enough to stun them but not kill them.  Not because […]

3 Little Girls

Half The Sky has been given one-time permission to advocate for 3 little girls in China who desperately need forever families. They need complex, ongoing surgery and care for heart conditions, and their only chance of these lifesaving treatments is a family. So, please visit and pass the word along. There is also a […]

Tri and Ty

Yes, I have a slight love affair with alliteration. Moving on…triathlon training season officially came to end with my participation in the North East Triathlon.  I did the sprint distance (750m swim, 15.5 mi bike, and 3.1 mi run).  I was hoping to come in under 2 hours.  I came REALLY close  at 2:01:51.  Kudos […]

Foto Friday

I haven’t taken many pictures lately <gasp>.  But don’t worry, I have plenty stored away for moments such as this. For instance… As a side note, these words came out of PJ’s mouth the other day, “M-o-o-o-m, all we ever do is go to the beach!” Umm…right. Just for the record, I made him go […]


It’s deals like this that make me addicted to dealfinding and couponing.  You didn’t know those could be verbs, did you?  It’s not my ambition to have a great-deal-finding-blog (as many do), but I’m totally into taking advantage of the deals others post.  But sometimes a deal comes along that deserves blogging. I headed to […]


They say “proof’s in the pudding.”  Here’s proof that PJ is indeed riding a bicycle (sans training wheels).  I never got footage of him on the little 12″ bike that he actually learned on.  We upgraded to his old Spider Man bike and put training wheels on the 12″ bike for Mia.  Note: One needs 12″ training […]

Foto Friday

Wow, I have a lot of catching up to do.  For now, I’ll just have to leave you with some photos from our recent visit to Gettysburg.  I’ve posted some of my favorites here, but you can see the rest at our 2009Summer Album.  A special thanks to my mother-in-law for the use of her […]