Feels Like Mine

It’s been a while since I’ve contributed a post, and I am interrupting a 3 part series that I was in the middle of with this post, but I am more in the mood to write thoughts than facts tonight. So, I’ve been asked several times lately “Does he feel like yours yet?” It seems […]


Since a couple of you have asked, I’d like to take this opportunity to explain our middle name choice for Ty and clear up any debate on pronuncation. (It’s a hard ‘G,’ btw.) Let’s start at the beginning (a very good place to start).  When we first received Ty’s file, we found his Korean name (Tae […]

Tri'd and Tired

Have you tri’d lately?  If not, you should really consider it.  I know, you’re thinking, “I’m not an athlete” or “I couldn’t finish that…I might drown.”  Well, I’m not an athlete in my eyes either and you could finish with the proper training.  Let me insert here, that I participate in sprint distance short triathlons.  […]

Time Flies…

…when you’re having fun/chasing 3 kids/just plain old busy. Today marks 5 weeks home with Ty.  So what’s new you may ask. He’s coming into his own turning into a opinion-holding, tantrum-throwing, mischevious, rambunctious two-year-old.  He has a special place in his heart for “Ee-ah” (aka Mia) and Nana.  He’s learned that chips, chocolate, and fruit […]

Can you hula?

PJ can.  He’s been asking for a hula hoop (Spiderman to be exact) for a while.  He used a birthday gift card to get an orange one since Spiderman hula hoops seem to be scarce.  Much to our surprise, he can actually hula! Check out this video.

Foto Friday

 This was taken at our fishing day.   First fruit (literally) of the season.  This is off of a Mother’s Day gift from Mia last year.  Yummy!  Monkey see, Monkey do.  This is what I saw when I went to find Ty the other day.

Fishing Firsts

I can’t believe it’s Friday already.  I really meant to post this much earlier this week, but, well, ya know… Anyway, the kids have been very patient for the last 3 weekends while we worked in the garden so Sunday, Patrick suggested we go mini-golfing, get ice cream, and go fishing.  All three of these things […]