Lenten Lessons about Parenting Traumatized Kids

The kids and I have been reading through Contemplating the Crossduring this year’s Lenten season.  The reading level is advanced but I’ve really enjoyed the way we’ve been able to camp on the Easter story.  One verse, one day at a time.  Mostly, I’ve been challenged by how it relates to this season in our […]

Through the Eyes of a Traumatized Child

If you’ve ever been in a car accident or other traumatic event, you know that for a while your blood pressure goes up every time you experience something that triggers those memories.  These reactions (and even memories) are largely subconscious.  How your body responds is a survival technique. For better or worse, our brains are wired to […]

Messages from Music

I’ve been meaning to write this for a couple weeks, but we’re in the midst of a really tough season with the older kids.  It’s nothing we didn’t expect or that’s not normal, but it’s kept us busy and exhausted nonetheless.  It’s also made these words even more appreciated than they were when I meant to […]

{Adoption and Marriage}

The ironic thing about this stage in our life is that I have a ton of blogable material but not enough time.  I have no less than a half-dozen partially written posts sitting in my Drafts folder.  However, today I’m taking a couple minutes to reflect on our marriage in light of our adoptions as […]

Life is Good

But right now life is also hard.  Harder than normal…whatever that is. Ironically, life is hard right now because John, Kayla, and Grace are grappling with the concept that life IS hard. It requires hard work. It requires us to do things we don’t necessarily want to do. Our pastor recently quoted a football coach […]

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

“Get your running shoes on, ladies.  You can run while I make lunch.” This was The Bad.  I probably should have warned them ahead of time…like at breakfast. That’s how it started.  We have this weird lag while I make lunch, and I thought it would be a great time to fit in the girls’ movement. […]

Reminders to Myself

The Back Story For three years we struggled to get a handle on Ty’s behavior. Instead of growing out of his behavior, it seemed to get worse as he got older. While I had read Dr. Karyn Purvis’ The Connected Child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family before Ty came home, I falsely […]

James 1:27 Revisited

If you’ve been around orphan care at all, you probably know a version of this verse by heart. While we’re still in National Adoption Month, I want to share with you a slightly different take on this familiar verse written by Patrick. It’s more on the academic side so bear with him…I share it because […]