The Train That Ty Built

This is the train that Ty built. This is the day that I was amazed that Ty built. This is the train that pulled a car That travelled the track that Ty built. This is the train going around The track that Ty used to throw to the ground. These are pictures that caputured the […]

Ramblings and a snapshot

I apologize for the lack of posts with any depth lately.  I’ve been completely pre-occupied with Grafted Families.  Not only is our conference coming up (and fast), we are also pulling together an Ethiopian Host Program with America World Adoption Agency and God is flinging open other doors.  Although it’s been kind of fun running […]

Invisible Milestones

“How’s Ty doing?” –such a complicated question. Mostly, people mean, “How is Ty adjusting?” Adjustment, attachment, bonding–such complicated subjects. After a couple days home, we were super-excited that we had left the constant, incosolable crying in Korea.  After a couple months home, he was sleeping through the night, calling me “mom,” loving the older kids, […]

To adopt or sponsor?

Someone made a provocative comment to Patrick today that gave me pause.  I don’t think well on my feet so I mulled it over on my drive back from DC in rush hour traffic this evening. Comment: Why would I want to spend $2000 to host one orphan, when I could sponsor a dozen through […]

Grafted Families

Part of the reason I’ve been neglecting this blog is because we’ve been knee deep in Grafted Families stuff.  Conference planning.  Networking.  Being awed at God’s provision.  Conference planning. Website designing.  Meeting.  And, wait, did I mention conference planning? Curious about the new website or want to know more about Grafted Families? Feel free to […]

Adoption is reactive

********UPDATE******** After much discussion on various boards about this post, I chose to change the title (as it was very distracting) and add these words…. For those that claim some parents do not want to parent, I see that as a failure somewhere a long the line. It’s not acceptable to me that people think […]

Korea book

A year ago, we were on a plane to pick up Ty!  Not sure how we did it, but we (all 6 of us) left 48 hours after receiving our travel call.  I made this book as a Christmas present for my mom and mother-in-law. Click here to view this photo book.

Thoughts on the Russian adoption gone horribly wrong

It stinks that one person can ruin it for everyone else.  The recent return of a little boy to Russia and the subsequent suspension of Russian adoptions to U.S. homes is a perfect example. (I also hate how the general public’s opinion of adoption is based on media reports of failed adoptions but that’s another […]