
Sweet… I had the privilege of meeting two of Maryland’s newest arrivals this week. What a sweet time of celebrating life. There’s such a sense of wonder when holding a newborn…maybe because the stage is so short-lived. Bitter… Today I found out that one of my friends lost her daughter during (or shortly after) birth...

Timing is Everything

Funny how in a time of prayer and fasting in my life, God has provided me with large chunks of time laying flat on my back and staring at a white ceiling in a 12×9 curtained off cell of sorts with nothing to do but talk to Him. To a mother of 2 small children,...

V.I.P. Week

I think I already mentioned how PJ had his V.I.P. week at school last week–remember the tool cake?  There are two other big things that make V.I.P. week special. The first is the About Me poster.  During each student’s V.I.P. week, he gets to complete a poster about him to present to the class.  PJ...

Cake Adventures

Last year we sort of started this tradition where the kids picked what kind of cake they wanted for their birthday and it would be our project to create it. Mom had gotten me a book about making kids birthday cakes that was pretty comprehensive and made me think I could delve into the world...

The Stink

**pre-post** If you are subscribed and only want to get Ty updates and/or updated pictures (not all these other crazy posts). You can click on that link in your confirmation email and it will take you to a page where you can select the specific catergories for which you want email updates.   A few...

New Subscription Option

*UPDATE* You have to click on the link in the confirmation email to complete your registration.   There was some confusion about RSS feeds.  While that is still an option if your technically able, I’ve added an email subscription option.  Simply type your email into the box on the right and you will be notified...

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