Day 4

Last night, we stayed up into Day 4 talking to the kids. They started sharing experiences from their past. We were really surprised how open they were with eachother and us. We really put their English to the test, and they did a great job. I can’t wait until we’re at home with our Amharic-English […]

Day 3

During the rainy season, kids go around singing songs to the backdrop of their washer-rigged sticks banging on the street. Traditionally, people give them small gifts or money.

Day 1

At least one photo a day for the next year is the plan. We had a great reunion after an uneventful flight to Addis. We spent the afternoon with T. It was great to finally meet her. Patrick, John, Kayla, and I are back at the guest house after a little shopping. I can’t wait […]

And then there were 7!

Our agency called at 8:30 this morning and announced that our son passed court!  They’d been telling us “definitely tomorrow” for almost 3 weeks so this was a pretty big deal.  The kids all started jumping around and chanting, “John passed court! John passed court!” John (his chosen American name) is legally a Corkum which […]

Sign Language & a Contest

It all started with this sign. Maybe you have to experience Addis traffic before you can fully appreciate that this sign probably means something like, “Run for your life and drag your kid with you when crossing!” Then we started noticing other people in signs who seemed decidely less frazzled. Some were even brave enough […]


After reading E Is for Ethiopia , Mia couldn’t wait to see the eskesta (or shoulder dance) when we got to Ethiopia.  Fortunately for her (and us), there is a new fad in cultural restaurants. These restaurants serve traditional Ethiopian food (which we all happen to love) with a back drop of Ethiopian music and dancing… […]

Look familiar?

We call it Starbucks. They call it Kaldi’s. It turns out they also call cream puffs beignets.  That made for some disappointed and hungry peeps in the van. Speaking of familiar, we are headed home as you read this.