
After reading E Is for Ethiopia , Mia couldn’t wait to see the eskesta (or shoulder dance) when we got to Ethiopia.  Fortunately for her (and us), there is a new fad in cultural restaurants.


These restaurants serve traditional Ethiopian food (which we all happen to love) with a back drop of Ethiopian music and dancing…


…all for about $40 (for a party of 6).


These guys should know how to move!


In Ethiopia, traditional food is served on injera which you also use as your utensil.  It doesn’t take long to polish off a communal plate.


Sometime during they meal, they also serve popcorn and coffee (2 more traditional foods).


The food was so good, we went a second time.  Also, the kids were pretty out of it the first time between being sick, jet lag, and the altitude adjustment. This time we went in traditional costume (at least some of us).


This video really doesn’t do the shoulder dance justice, but it’s the best our little Nikon could pull off.

Posted in Adoption and Orphan Care, Our Adoption Adventure, Uncategorized and tagged .


  1. Ethiopian food is SO fun! Ruedi and I found a great place in DC – have you found anywhere here in Baltimore? That’d be a fun dinner club outing!

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