Day 147

Hanging out with the Red Brick Firefighter after dinner with Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle Al.

Day 146

Grace, Mia, and Ty are taking ice skating lessons this winter.  The first skill they learned was actually falling (and how to get back up).

Day 144

Our 4 kids from hard places struggle with anxiety or depression. Fortunately, movement is an anecdote for both and is great even if you don’t suffer from anxiety or depression. Patrick and I have put our personal trainer hats on to get especially our Ethiopians up and moving and show them what they really can […]

Day 139

The New Year started with a special visit from a friend Grace made while participating in the His Little Feet choir.

Day 127

Even though John and Grace were technically citizens upon stepping on US soil, obtaining proof was another story. Next stop…name changes and re-adoption.

Day 114

One major adjustment has been getting into a good routine with the girls’ hair. Kayla is pretty independent but Grace still needs help styling her. While hair day only happens every 7 to 10 days, it’s almost an entire day by the time she “opens” her current style, detangles, washes, and we re-style. One of […]

Day 110

While PJ, Mia, and Ty are participating in their respective CC classes, I get some more focused time with the big kids to work on language skills and other areas where I notice extra help is needed.