Trust-based Parenting Outtakes

Grace takes very well to art and play therapy. The other day I was able to re-regulate her by agreeing to her demands that we switch roles. I (as the child) begged her to read me a story which she consented to. By the time she was finished reading, she had re-regulated and we were […]

Day 225

We are slowly working our kids over their fear of animals.  Note to self: look into animal therapy.  

Day 212

Since we first met her, this girls who has adamantly insisted she hates all cheese.  She recently added cream cheese to her diet.  Now she’s timidly eating shredded cheddar.  These are pretty monumental moments in our house.

Day 210

I’ve found that many times the key to re-regulating one of our kids is to let her draw how she’s feeling.  The act of drawing helps her to re-engage her higher level thinking, come out of survival mode, and communicate the root issues that caused the meltdown.  The heart on the left was what she […]

Day 206

This was our 10th year at the Amish Mud Sales in PA.  We’ve seen all sorts of weather and added 5 kids to the brood since we first started going.  We didn’t last as long at the actual sale due to Patrick’s back.  The local petting zoo proved rather cathartic after a major meltdown. In other news, […]