Day 118

Our field trip co-op does this awesome Christmas bazaar every year where the kids can sell and buy small Christmas gifts in a safe, controlled environment.

{Review & Giveaway} Year-at-a-Glance

I am primarily a visual learner.  Basically, if I don’t see it, I forget it, and if I can’t see it, I’m not paying attention.  This is why I slept through most of my college lectures and sleep through many sermons…even in the second row.  That’s why I was super-excited to receive a NeuYear calendar […]

Day 105

It’s great when the same cool project can be a math and history lesson. Plus, I’d always wanted to figure out how to use an abacus. Turns out it would have been a helpful skill to have a long time ago. How did I get a B.S. in engineering without figuring them out earlier?

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 10

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

Typical Thursday

Ever wonder what our day looks like?  I’ll probably be curious in 10 years so what better than to memorialize one here? Our week starts off with a bang since we have CC and marathon Tae Kwon Do on Mondays.  In a non-interrupted week, we work hard Tuesday and Wednesday, try to fit in something […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 9

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 8 Science

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

Day 69

I’ve found it’s really important to intentionally meet Ty’s sensory needs throughout the day or we all pay the price. The newest trick is to lay on him while we do our read aloud for the day.