ABCs at Home: A Kindergarten Curriculum

I’m excited to introduce the curriculum Ty will be using next year (along with Classical Conversations) because, well, I wrote it.  Yeah.  This post is totally to toot my own horn and unashamedly ask you to check it out.  Why?  Because I think it’s great and because it can probably use all the constructive criticism […]

Our current favorite homeschool resource

When we started homeschooling in the fall, I researched lot of ways to manage all my  kiddos and their tasks (from workboxes to software).  Because we only have to keep a portfolio (not grades or attendance), many of the available free planning websites and softwares were too detail oriented for us.  I had been sitting […]

How Classical Conversations is different than a co-op

To our other home school friends, we often talk about our “co-op” just because “CC” isn’t a universal term.  But, in reality, CC isn’t a co-op at all and here’s why: Classes are divided by age group and all classes are covering the same material.  This may look slightly different depending on the age group […]

Classical Education and Learning Styles

Some are claiming that learning styles are a myth.  I beg to differ. God, in His infinite wisdom (or humor), graced us with 3 kids and 3 different learning styles. PJ, The Auditory Learner:  While he’s a bright kid that doesn’t miss much, he prefers auditory input.  He’d rather listen to a book than read […]

Recent school projects (and an adoption update)

If you bake out all the collagen from a bone, and tap it with a mallet, it shatters. The Pilgrims built rectangular houses out of lumber. The Wampanoags built dome-shaped houses with large pieces of bark as walls. In the midst of keeping up with schooling, we’ve been finishing the last of our paper chase. […]