Our current favorite homeschool resource

What is your favorite homeschool resource that you've used?

When we started homeschooling in the fall, I researched lot of ways to manage all my  kiddos and their tasks (from workboxes to software).  Because we only have to keep a portfolio (not grades or attendance), many of the available free planning websites and softwares were too detail oriented for us.  I had been sitting on a website called MyJobChart until more of the kids could read.  It turns out it’s much more useful to us right now for assigning schoolwork than for chores (although we do some chores too).

What I love:

  • It’s FREE!
  • Easy, visual login for each family member
  • Allows advance and repeat scheduling by day, week, etc.
  • It allows the kids to have some ownership in their work and how they schedule themselves
  • The kids can login from any computer depending on which one is free
  • It saves paper

We minimize the focus on rewards but MyJobChart does a great job of giving families the flexibility to reward in a way that fits their family (not just materialistically).

Here’s a screenshot of Mia’s work today.


Head over to The Homeschool Classroom to see more great resources.

Posted in Education and Homeschooling, Uncategorized and tagged .


  1. I remember hearing about this a couple of years ago, but thought it was way too complicated for the children at that time. I have to say, though, I’ve been searching for a way for them to be able to have a little more accountability for themselves in a way that doesn’t overwhelm them- I think I’m going to have to give this another look!

  2. Thanks so much for the info on myjobchart. I have never see it before and it looks great for my techie kid! I can’t wait to try it.


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