Gardening Update

Wow! Time flies when you have a house, hubby, 3 kids AND a garden to blog about. 

On Good Friday (4/2), we put a good number of seedlings (snap peas, pole beans, and cucumbers) into the ground.

Since we spent a good bit of time in Colonial Williamsburg over the past year and we both have a fancy for the way things were done centuries ago, we decided to make good use of our brush piles to build sturdy structures for our peas, beans, and cukes to climb.  Last year we used flimsy tomato cages and ugly trellises.  Here is the pea/bean tent that Patrick created.  He blogged a little about our inspiration here


I’d also like to note here that we he used duct tape to attempt to keep the strips of landscaping material together so we could roll it up to add compost and till.  It mostly worked. 

Sometime the week after Easter we sowed corn, lettuce (Romaine and a baby green mix), and spinach directly into the ground.  We had major rabbit issues last year so I’m protecting the spinach (and the bottoms of the peas and beans) with upside down plastic cups (with the bottoms cut out for the peas and beans).

Sunday, 4/11, Patrick put the sqaush, zuccini, and melons in the ground. 

Note that there is really no rhyme or reason (or gardening expertise) behind our “schedule” for planting.  This is just how it’s happening this year.

I also am discovering by happenstance that some herbs are perennial.  The sage and mint are back in droves. 



The oregano came back last year but not so much this year.


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