
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life. 

Yesterday I was beyond excited when Patrick discovered last year’s dill had seeded and was popping up all over the garden.  I’m hoping to make refrigerator pickles again (which call for a lot of dill) and it will be one less herb plant I have to buy!  Who knew little green sprouts could be the source of so much joy?

I also get excited when I eye up a pot of leftovers and come out of the tupperware drawer with not only a matching top and bottom but a container that’s the perfect size for said leftovers.  Is it sad that I consider that one of my talents?

Yup, sometimes it’s the simple things.

What are your simple pleasures?

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  1. Watching my toddler sleep. The sound of the ocean. And lazy summer evening bbqs. Oh! I love this…I could do it all day 🙂 Great post!

  2. Matching lidded right size tupperwear is indeed a happy day. It is always nice for me when I gather library books and have the correct number without major searching. It always make my day. The one or two times it has happened, anyway.

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