Happy Mother's Day (with a garden update)

My Mother’s Day wish was pretty simple this year (note: I’ve given up on the breakfast in bed and/or clean house dream)–I just wanted an everbearing strawberry plant.  We have a fabulous strawberry patch this year but they’ll only bear fruit for a couple weeks at the beginning of June.


I’d love strawberries all summer long so I’d like to introduce one of the newest members of our garden…


Since we’re on gardening, I’ll continue with a belated update on our garden.

In late April, our asparagus finally made its appearance.  We’ve not enjoyed a large harvest but the spears we have cut have been extremely tender and tasty (even the really thick ones).


The romaine is doing fabulously in our makeshift green houses. This picture is actually from April. They were large enough to separate into individual heads today.


The mesculan greens mix is growing well, too. Again, this picture is from April. Today we could have harvested a single serving of salad. I planted some more seeds today so we’ll have a rotating harvest.


Patrick’s been working hard to set up climbing structures for the cucumbers and beans and snap peas.  We (minus his blistered hands) are pretty excited for how these turned out.



In other garden news…

  • We had too much frost for the Asian cucumbers.
  • There are tomatoes growing from our compost all over the garden and they’re super-hardy.
  • We put the peanut plants in the ground today.
  • We ended up buying already-started seedlings for many pepper varieties, basil, cilantro, and eggplant.
  • The decorative gourd I was too lazy to throw away last year sprouted. We planted it.


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  1. That's incredible! Gardens take a lot of work and I'm very impressed.

    We've done tomatoes and cucumbers before, and they've always turned out pretty well. Oh, and we did green beans once and had WAY too many. We didn't know what to do with them all! Never had much luck with strawberries…hope yours give you lots of fruit this summer!

    ~Kylee (kylee-inmylife.blogspot.com)

  2. That's incredible! Gardens take a lot of work and I'm very impressed.

    We've done tomatoes and cucumbers before, and they've always turned out pretty well. Oh, and we did green beans once and had WAY too many. We didn't know what to do with them all! Never had much luck with strawberries…hope yours give you lots of fruit this summer!

    ~Kylee (kylee-inmylife.blogspot.com)

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