2 Years Home, Yesterday

I totally meant to post about Ty’s Airplane Day yesterday.  You know, on his actual Airplane Day.  But I didn’t.  Bad Mommy.  I considered pre-dating a post so when I looked back I would think I had been on the ball.  But I didn’t. 

So yesterday, 2 years ago, Ty took his first steps onto American soil.  The crazy thing?  He’s still spent the majority of his life in Korea.  While, he’s come a long way from those first harrowing days in our hotel (where he cried/grieved 90% of the time and could occasionally be distracted to feed Patrick), I never imagined he’d still have so far to go after 2 years home.  But then again, he’s only been here 2 years and he was in Korea for 2 1/2.  Crazy.

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One thing that went exactly as we hoped is that PJ and Mia embraced him.  No questions asked with unimaginable grace and patience given.  He’s definitely one of them.  This was taken less than a week home in early May 2009.


Looking back through pictures, I regret not taking more pictures that told the whole tale of those first 6 months. I’m a visual girl after all. But it is nice to know that even though my memory tells me those months were so trying, there were so many happy moments worth capturing on film digital camera sensor.

Posted in Adoption and Orphan Care, Our Adoption Adventure and tagged , .

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