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Movin’ Up!

Back in January, we started Tae Kwon Do classes–all of us.  Besides the fact it’s great for physical fitness and discipline, I love that we can all do it together.  Our Do Jang offers family classes, and they do a great job of managing a class of multiple levels.

Every last Saturday of the month is belt testing.  This past Saturday, Mia tested for her white belt, and Patrick and I tested for our yellow belts.  We all moved up!  PJ tested for his white belt last month and will test for his yellow belt in April.  Ty is hoping to test for his white belt in April as well.

Each belt test requires the student to demonstrate a breaking technique.

Didn’t Mia do a great job!?!


She also earned her Split Club patch!

1 Comment

  1. Grandpa CorkumApril 4, 2012


    That’s FANTASTIC!!!! Great job for the rest of you also.

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