If you thought we were crazy before…

It all started when I noticed while reviewing referral paperwork that John had a cousin with whom he was raised and who was also relinquished at the same time.  I immediately called our family coordinator and asked if we would ever be able to pursue her as well.  The reaction was mixed.  While our agency generally places biologically connected kids together, we had already agreed to take on two unrelated teenagers.  It could all depend on how our post-placement was going.  And if we could afford it…I thought.

Fast forward a couple months to a conversation I had with another adoptive family who lives across the country.  They were “tacking on” another child to a placement because of a biological relationship but in their case she was a sibling.  They were going to be able to give consent while in country picking up their first two so they wouldn’t have to return for another court trip.  My wheels started turning…What if?

I asked.  Would it be possible for us to give consent for John’s cousin while picking up John and Kayla?  The answer was we needed to get social worker approval before anything moved.  It took a little extra work but Sunday we heard we had been approved for a third “unrelated” child.  Last week we also heard there was a good possibility we’d be able to stand in front of the judge to give consent while we were in country the week of Aug. 19…and before courts close for 6 weeks on August 22nd for rainy season.  This is mostly why we pushed our trip back a week after finding out John was cleared for travel.

So what exactly does all this mean?

When we return on 8/24, we will have Kayla and John with us.  T will probably not clear court while we’re in ET since her paperwork is not complete yet but we will not need to return to Ethiopia until she is ready to travel assuming we get to court.  The best thing is that our paperwork is all still valid so this may be our easiest paper chase ever!  In the end, we will be gaining 2 girls and 1 boy evening up our score and bringing us to 6 kids (3 boys, 3 girls).

I’m sure you’re all wondering when she’ll be able to come home.  We’re hopeful it could be before Christmas!  Will you pray we get in for court before Aug. 22nd?

Posted in Adoption and Orphan Care, Our Adoption Adventure and tagged .


  1. Melissa, I am so happy for you all! That is so exciting and proof that God’s blessings will overtake us. We will be praying for you all and look forward to meeting your children.

  2. How much FUN! Is T the same age as the John and Kayla? Looking forward to meeting your new family members – and seeing you all together at church!

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