Social Media

When in Bloggerdom, do what the bloggers do.  I know.  That’s so conformist.  But I realized, the bloggers may do things for a reason.  Like it’s fun to think I have over 950 friends in real life, but it’s not fun to recognize almost no one on your Facebook feed and miss out on updates from people who you actually see face-to-face.

It’s also fun to have a place where you can be therapeutically snarky about how ridiculous this season in your life is and there’s not space for comments…just retweeting.

So without further ado, you are invited to “like” us on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter.

Facebook page:
Our Facebook page is a great “place” to meet other readers, get updates about homeschooling/gardening/orphan care/trust-basedparenting, and ask questions about all the aforementioned topics.


There are really cute icons that always hangout on the left side of your screen that you can use to find me on social media once this post is long forgotten about.

Posted in Uncategorized.