
Sometimes you just need a humor intermission.  These are some quotes I’ve been collecting over the last year. Most of them come from the girls.

I don’t need dessert…it’s not my business.
A major learning theme this year is to worry about yourself (in terms of tattling, etc.)  This is really hard for hypervigilant kids.

A tissue!
Better known as “ACHOO!” in English.

May I shoot cheese?
Or “shred.”

You were ticklish me!!!

Did you/Will you picture me?
No joke.  We correct this EVERY DAY.

Are those chips? No. But you are chipsing them!

I am having New Jersey tomorrow.
Or “surgery.”

Did you go mooney day?
This took a while to detangle, but the question should have been, “Did you go on a honeymoon?”

That test my inroastins.
Apparently the Ethiopian equivalent to “You get on my nerves” is “You roast my intestines.”  Sometimes it doesn’t quite come out right.

My face is watering.
Or “sweating.”

What’s called? French rice? Ride frice?
Or “fried rice.”

Can I eat adopt?
Yeah, this was an interesting conversation.  Turns out she wanted to eat “a date.”

Pass me diet.
Or “dice.”

I will just cute.
Or “quit.”

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One Comment

  1. Ba-ha! My boy had some really fun ESL blunders of his own. He still asks if I can “picture him” and it’s so cute I don’t bother correcting it.

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