Day 240 – Day 246

Day 240 The girls repainted their room recently.  This is what one of our biggest complainers enscripted above her bed.  We will be walking her in to read it frequently. Day 241 A streak of warm spring weather got us out to the beach to celebrate PJ’s birthday.  It was Kayla and John’s first time […]

Day 233 – Day 239

Day 233 We learned a lot at our field trip to the home of the Preakness. Day 234 The girls decided to beautify the exterior of the house. Day 235 Kayla’s working on her vertical for next season. Day 236 We studied rain forest animals. Aren’t these toucans great?  I love colored pastels as an […]

Day 226 – Day 232

Day 226 Watch out for these girlies! Day 227 There are some really sweet moments when they’re not dysregulated. Day 228 All dressed up in Ethiopian traditional garb for Easter. Day 229 Our little spider monkey. Day 230 Fun visit with out-of-town friends. Day 231 It’s always convenient to have a close friend who happens […]

Day 225

We are slowly working our kids over their fear of animals.  Note to self: look into animal therapy.  

Day 224

We had about 10 extra people come do a seder dinner.  We did the whole nine yards.  It lasts about 3 hours.  This is the kids trying to find the Afikoman.

Day 223

I’m discovering this little guy needs some very intentional bonding time when right when he wakes up.  It makes a huge difference in how the rest of the day goes.

Day 222

Remember that year we didn’t get enough snow for sledding until the 5th day of Spring?

Day 221

I love watching my guy connect with our kids.  He does a great job at relieving me and mixing it up a bit.