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Day 62

We don’t call them adoption adventures for nothing. We left the house a little later than we planned. After 2 cups of coffee, Patrick was desperate for a pit stop before we got to the airport. Traffic was worse than anticipated so we couldn’t really afford to stop but when nature calls…

The easiest access stop off the highway happened to be a local hospital. Who needs rest areas? When Patrick pulled out of the hospital, the traffic we were pulling into suddenly stopped causing him to not take the turn tight enough. He misjudged a little and we ran aground on the curb. Not a big deal unless you drive a little, low-to-the-ground coupe. Turns out he dislodged the front mud flap. We had to pull over twice on the way to the airport to try to fix it. Meanwhile, the minutes were counting down. Then there was a fender bender in the lane next to us and the car almost hit us trying to avoid the suddenly stopped car in front of him.

Needless to say our blood pressure was pretty high by the time we finally got checked in. Fortunately, we had an empty seat next to us which allowed us to spread out during our flight to Dubai and get some good, solid sleep.

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