{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 13 Science

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 13 and Week 14 History

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

{Classical Conversations} Christmas Break Reading Listening

With most of us taking a breather from school (or at least doing a lighter load), and many gearing up for holiday travelling, it’s a great season for audio books. They also make great gifts. I am trying to pick at least one audio book selection per culture we are studying during Cycle 1.  We […]

{Review & Giveaway} Year-at-a-Glance

I am primarily a visual learner.  Basically, if I don’t see it, I forget it, and if I can’t see it, I’m not paying attention.  This is why I slept through most of my college lectures and sleep through many sermons…even in the second row.  That’s why I was super-excited to receive a NeuYear calendar […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 11 and Week 12

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 10

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

Typical Thursday

Ever wonder what our day looks like?  I’ll probably be curious in 10 years so what better than to memorialize one here? Our week starts off with a bang since we have CC and marathon Tae Kwon Do on Mondays.  In a non-interrupted week, we work hard Tuesday and Wednesday, try to fit in something […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 9

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]