{Classical Conversations} Review for Memory Masters

PJ decided early this year that he was up for Memory Masters.  He has an amazing memory.  Because we do all of our memory work to music, he has it all up in his head but sometimes needs a couple notes to recall it.  Unfortunately, he won’t get those cues for proofing so we’ve started […]

Atomic Models and Pancakes

I love when I can kill two birds with one stone.  The other day we were able to knock out lunch and chemistry simultaneously by building atomic models out of pancakes. We’ve been memorizing some parts of an atom (nucleus, proton, electron, quark, lepton, and neutron).  For our models, we just focused on the nucleus […]

How Classical Conversations is different than a co-op

To our other home school friends, we often talk about our “co-op” just because “CC” isn’t a universal term.  But, in reality, CC isn’t a co-op at all and here’s why: Classes are divided by age group and all classes are covering the same material.  This may look slightly different depending on the age group […]

Decoding Ty

Five years ago, even though we didn’t know it, our bouncy, pouncy, Ty-ger of a child entered the world albeit 15 weeks early.  He joined our family at 2 1/2 years old and our lives haven’t been the same. Unlike our other two, he didn’t respond to cause-effect discipline or intuitively learn anything.  We still […]

To schedule or not to schedule?

I knew when we decided to home school, I wanted to be flexible enough to accomodate social activities, service opportunities, traveling, spur-of-the-moment field trips, and whatever else popped up.   Because we were transitioning from a school environment and our kids are extroverts, we erred on the side of over scheduled when it came to committing to […]

Classical Education and Learning Styles

Some are claiming that learning styles are a myth.  I beg to differ. God, in His infinite wisdom (or humor), graced us with 3 kids and 3 different learning styles. PJ, The Auditory Learner:  While he’s a bright kid that doesn’t miss much, he prefers auditory input.  He’d rather listen to a book than read […]

History Activity: Parts of the Constitution

We’re going to focus on the Constitution for Week 5 of Classical Conversations.  This is the activity we’ll be using to understand the parts of the Constitution. Supplies: 1 Sheet each of red, white, and blue construction paper Glue Scissors Parts of the Constitution Make a poster as shown. As you explain it, have your […]